Tanishq Baswal
Tanishq Baswal
Areas of Research:
Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Data Science, NLP, Spatial Data Science
Project Title:
Walking Comfort Perception Based Route Planning Using Street Captured Imageries
Navitha Varsha
Navitha Varsha
Areas of Research:
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, Hydrological Analysis, Ecological Modelling, Wildlife Conservation, Environmental Education, Community Engagement & Outreach, Interdisciplinary Research, Action- Orientated Research.
Project Title:
Early Warning Systems For Conservation Of River Dolphins And Gharials In India’s Gangetic Flood-Plain Rivers.
Areas of Research:
Remote sensing and GIS, Environmental monitoring and management, Urban planning and Mapping, Satellite Image processing and interpretation, Forest and wildlife conservation, Water resources, Disaster management and mitigation.
Project Title:
Mapping Dynamic Morphology Of Rivers And Its Impact For Birds.
Vaishnavi Honap
Vaishnavi Honap
Areas of Research:
Analytical Cartography and Remote Sensing for Climate Change, Urban Growth and Microclimate , Disaster Risk Reduction, Extreme Weather Events, Renewable Energy Measures
Project Title:
Semi-Automated Coastline Delineation For India In Google Earth Engine.
Hemakshi Malik
Hemakshi Malik
Areas of Research:
Image classification, machine learning, sustainable agriculture, innovative solar energy applications
Project Title:
Crop Yield Mapping Using Google Earth Engine.
Kuldeep Singh Kushwaha
Kuldeep Singh Kushwaha
Areas of Research:
Remote sensing and Gis, Natural resources Management (Soil and water conservation engineering) , Watershed, Crop Water Requirement model,Agronomy and Farm machinery.
Project Title:
Identifying Suitable Areas For Various Crops Across India Using Google Earth Engine.
Dhanasekaran Kanagasabapathi
Dhanasekaran Kanagasabapathi
Areas of Research:
Remote sensing, Meteorology, Data analysis, Remote sensing for Environmental management.
Project Title:
Dynamic Tool To Map Agricultural Residue Burnt Area Using Sentinel-2.
Naga Sasidhar Reddy Alavala
Naga Sasidhar Reddy Alavala
Areas of Research:
Computer Vision, Generative AI,Machine Learning.
Project Title:
Quantification Of Above Ground Biomass In Auroville Green Belt Using Google Earth Engine.
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